How to Leave a Facebook Group Instantly [PC and Mobile]

Facebook groups are a modern way of getting news and trends. A normal user added in many groups on Facebook and messenger. A member can post news and messages on groups and also can give an opinion about any posts from the group. Sometimes your friend adds you to some Facebook group where you don’t want to be. That’s why we will talk about how to leave a Facebook group and messenger conversation. Leaving from multiple groups so easy that you may never think before. 

Groups of facebook are useful to know about your interesting topic. Being a member of a good group on Facebook is helpful for your social life. Make sure the group provides you with correct and good information. Leaving Facebook and messenger group is fine if it’s giving you bad or incorrect information. Those kinds of groups can harm your knowledge.

How to Leave a Facebook Group

It’s easy to leave from a single group for everyone but many of you don’t know how to leave multiple Facebook groups at a time. Messenger groups are also important because many of us only use messenger as a social media platform. We will also show you how to leave a Facebook messenger group as well if you don’t find it useful.

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Leave from a Single Facebook Group

Most of the people know how to leave a Facebook group by just entering the group and take a leave from it. 

  • Go to the group from the left sidebar of your Facebook account.
  • Click on the group where you want to take leave.
  • Click the “Joined” button from the bottom of the group banner.
  • Select “Leave Group” from there and that’s it.
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You won’t see any post from the group on your newsfeed. 

Leaving from Multiple Facebook Group

What if your friend added you in a lot of groups on Facebook or you intentionally become a member for a project but the project is over now. Now you want to know how do I leave a Facebook group or multiple groups. There is no official option on Facebook for that but you can still do that from your PC using a simple chrome extension. You must need a computer and google chrome for leaving from multiple groups.

  • Open the chrome browser from your PC.
  • Add “Leave Multiple FB Groups” extensions from the chrome store.
  • Login to your Facebook account from the same browser.
  • Click on the extension from the top bar.
  • Click “Start” and you will see all the groups that you are members of.
  • Select the group that you want to leave and click on “Submit”.
  • You will be no more be a member of those groups.

Follow these images to learn more about how do I leave a group on Facebook or multiple.

Leave multiple facebook group 1 shoukhintech (1)
Leave multiple facebook group shoukhintech (1)

That’s how you leave multiple Facebook groups at a time. There is no limit for leaving groups. You could just leave all Facebook groups using this extension. So now it’s easy to know how to leave a Facebook group and multiple also.

Also Read: How to Delete Friends On Facebook

Leaving a Messenger Groups

Facebook Messenger gives us features of group chat also. A very easy way to communicate a community is messenger group chat. Messenger lets you leave any group or mute it if you don’t like it. Three ways are available for getting no notification from the messenger group. If you want to leave a group from messenger then knowing how to leave a Facebook group will not help you. Follow these steps for Facebook messengers.

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Leave the group

You can simply leave the group by the press and hold it from your messenger app and tap on the “leave group” button. This action will remove you from the messenger group and you won’t’ be able to see any messages from the group until someone added back you. Be sure you really want to leave the group before you take the action. You can also go to the details section of the conversation and tap on “Leave the group” for leaving the group.

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Ignore Group

Ignoring a Facebook messenger group will move the conversion to the Spam folder of your Facebook messenger. You couldn’t find it in your inbox so it won’t bother you. Take it back on inbox anytime by just going on the spam folder and tap on accept. No member of the group will know that you are ignoring the group. Tap and hold the conversation and tap on “Ignore” to ignore a group or conversation.

Mute notification

It’s an easy way to avoid notification from a messenger group. Group usually has a lot of members and it gives you a notification for each message from every member. It’s really annoying for a messenger user. That’s why you can mute the conversation sometimes or forever. Tap and hold any conversation and tap on the “mute notification”. Select the time for the notification to be mute and press ok. The selected conversation will be muted for that time. You can simply mute a group without knowing how to leave a Facebook group.

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Can I Use mobile to leave multiple groups on Facebook?

Chrome extension helps you to leave multiple groups that don’t work on a mobile browser. Some mobile apps or websites may available for leaving multiple groups but it will ask for your  Facebook access. Giving permission to an unauthorized app is not a secure option. That app or website can misuse your Facebook account or destroy it forever. We recommend you to use a PC to take action for How to leave multiple Facebook groups.

Can I leave a lot of messenger groups at a time?

You are not able to leave multiple messenger groups at once. You only can know how to leave a Facebook messenger group. You need to leave one by one for leaving a lot of groups.


Facebook groups are very essential for social communication but if you are in the wrong group then it has no use or harmful for you. Make sure before you add a Facebook group or messenger group. Bless your newsfeed with good news and activities of good groups.