Artificial intelligence is an inherent part of all our lives in one form or another. From Alexa/ Google/ Siri to smart cars, there is no magnitude at which it is not present. Simply put, artificial intelligence is machine exhibited intelligence that can process, store data, and make decisions. Over the last two decades, AI has grown exponentially, and the layers and levels of intelligence seen have been continuously bettering
There are many career scopes out there today with the growing scope and reach of this field across industries and levels. Let us look at the top 7 options of careers available today.
- One of the fastest-growing careers in the field of AI is of teaching it. For all other careers to exist, the field qualifications must be met. This makes the role of the teachers in the field crucial and indispensable.
- One cannot possibly teach the whole of AI, as it is a highly developed field today. With its many layers and branches, teaching in AI can mean one of two things.
- The first set of teachers is those who will teach the right skills related to AI to the students in order to get specific jobs.
- The other set is teachers who teach the field and its parts from the point of view of information as part of a bigger / broader scope. This includes holding workshops and seminars for senior management who may not need the skills directly but surely need to understand the field well.
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- Any field one can think of in the world today is due to researchers and academia’s efforts. This is equally true for Artificial Intelligence. As it is a growing field, there is still an immense scope of research.
- As a person in academia or a researcher, there is no bound for what levels AI can be taken to. With a constant lookout for betterment, this field is inexhaustible as of now.
- With the research community staying at the top of the field’s developments, as a researcher, you will be leading the industry in one sense or another.
- It is also to be noted that the research community is the one that is behind all breakthroughs, and thus you will have the best in the world in this field as a researcher.
Data scientist
- The collection, interpretation, and molding of data from various sources are the revivifying of a data scientist’s job.
- In this role, the data scientists use predictive analytics and machine learning to do their work.
- It is one of the most highly sought jobs in AI today and has, more often than not, a great pay attached to it.
- This is the profession that has the most use of big data and the many platforms and software that exist in AI. Tools such as Hive, Spark, Pig, Hadoop are the best-known ones here
- An excellent level of knowledge of statistics is also necessary to be a data scientist. Keeping all these in mind, there are many courses at graduation and post-graduation level today for data scientists.
Business Intelligence Developer
- The primary role of a Business Intelligence (BI) developer revolves around Data interpretation for trend analysis.
- Be it understanding and predicting the company’s future, the market, the industry, or the economy, the job falls primarily on a business intelligence developer.
- Using many of the same tools as a Data Scientist, the person doing this job focuses on trends and the future. Their analysis of the data is thus curtailed to this.
- Their role allows them to help make crucial management decisions based on their analysis. This helps increase the efficiency and profitability of the business.
- The demand for BI developers is spreading and likely to keep increasing with AI being opted for in more and more places for data-driven decision making.
Machine Learning Engineer
- We have twice now mentioned tools, software, and platforms that are needed for working in the field of AI. The people behind ideating and designing these are the machine learning engineers.
- Such people are well sought in the field as there is a constant need to develop and better the tools that can be used.
- Programming is one of the core requirements to be a machine learning engineer, and knowledge of AI at a deep level is also necessary.
- Along with these attributes, an out of the box mindset of finding solutions and answers to help make the tools more useful is always appreciated in someone looking to take up this role.
Compliance scientists
- One of the more recent roles, but one that is fast gaining ground and looking to have people take it up as a job, is the role of a compliance scientist for AI.
- While the role may sound very simple, the job actually requires an in-depth knowledge of the field one is in and all possible inputs in the system.
- To understand the role, imagine an AI-based chatbot for a company. Any queries on the company website and social media channels are first addressed by this chatbot.
- Now imagine the Chabot experiences an input it is unaware of, how to process exactly. Based on past inputs and machine learning, it manages to respond, but the answer is not what was needed or wanted.
- Compliance scientists work to monitor the responses in such scenarios and work with the algorithms and data for better responses in such scenarios. This accentuates the learning process of the AI for it to be better prepared for responses in the future.
Big Data Scientists/ Engineers
- Big data is when data is unfiltered and obtained from multiple channels and forums. The data is just collected from possible sources when relevant.
- This makes the question of what is relevant data, what are the relevant and necessary sources, which are the used filters and categorizers as crucial questions.
- Defining these wrongs is likely to be fatal to any other work in AI, as it will be based on the obtained data.
- Setting up these very parameters along with working out which ones to use in the first place is what the job role of a Big Data Scientist/ Architect is.
- Generally, a high level of education in mathematics, computers, and statistics is a prerequisite for such roles. Being niche roles, the pay in such roles matches this requirement then.
If you are seeking to work in AI, you should know that the field is constantly growing, so there will be more and more options opening up soon.
Author Bio:
Helen Wilson is a marketing manager at Savah. She is a keen follower of technology and loves to write about latest trends and tips from the tech industry.