How to Hide Birthday on Twitter With Simple Trick

Twitter is a social media that is used by students, businessmen, and all kinds of people. We share a lot of information on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media. Sometimes it becomes risky to provide information in public. People can misuse your personal data and might harm you. You can private your information on these media. Let’s know how to hide birthday on twitter for your followers and non-followers as well.

Twitter gives you the privilege to hide birthdate, month, and years separately. You can also customize the audience for whom you wanted to hide your birthday. Hide birthday on twitter using any smart device you have. Computer, Android, Ios any smart device that can access the internet will be worthy to perform this task. 

How to Hide Birthday on Twitter Using Smartphone

The smartphone is easy to access from anywhere and you can browse any website with it. Android and iOS have a twitter app to use this social media in a more easy way. Here are the steps you need to follow to get how to hide birthday on twitter

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  • Open Twitter App.
  • Click on your profile picture from the top left.
  • Tap on “Edit Profile”.
  • Select your birthday and tap “Continue”.
  • Change the privacy for Birthdate, month, and year separately and Tap on “Save”.

how to hide joined date on twitter

All iOS and Android have the same interface for changing birthday privacy. You will get this feature in twitter dark mode and light mode.

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Hide Birthday Using Computer Device

Here are the tips for how to hide birthday on twitter using a computer device.

  • Log in to your Twitter account.
  • Tap on your profile picture from the left side.
  • Click on “Edit Profile” and Navigate to the bottom.
  • Click on “Edit” appears with Birthday.
  • It will show you a warning that you can change your birthday for few times only.
  • Click “Continue” and select which one you want to customize.
  • Click “Save” after you finish editing the privacy.

Hide birthday on twitter on computer (1)

It’s easy and comfortable to hide birthday on twitter from PC devices. You can use your mac, windows and linux to apply this trick on your twitter account.

Is it necessary to hide birthday?

Modern technology has become so advance. People use it for good cause and bad cause as well. Birth date plays an important role in your account security. Some can break your privacy and log into your account using your birth date or year. Not only on twitter but other social media like Facebook and Instagram account can also be harmed by this information. 

Hiding birthday from unknown people may save your account and your data.

twitter account creation date

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Can I Remove My Birthday on Twitter?

Yes, You can remove the whole information of your birthday from twitter very easily. The removing option will be appear near of edit button of birthday.