9 Ways To Save Money On Corporate Video Production

When it comes to corporate video production, most companies tend to think it’s unaffordable, as it requires lots of money and resource investments. However, even with a slim budget, it’s more than possible to create professional video content that will not only work for digital marketing strategies but can establish a natural form of communication between you and your potential clients.

In this article, we’ll introduce the proven ways of creating high-quality corporate videos that can ideally fit small budgets and will significantly improve your marketing campaign.

Best Practices for Creating On-Budget Corporate Videos

Whether you’re working on video content for social media or planning to launch your first video marketing campaign, producing first-class videos is the key to success.

At the same time, making a corporate video is usually much more challenging, as it requires making a great product at a reasonable price, and also you have to define the main business objectives of your videos, invest tons of time in the shooting and production stage, and many more.

Below you’ll find the top methods for producing corporate video content at the most reasonable costs.

Plan Your Business Objectives Clearly

Once you’re ready to use videos in digital marketing, it’s essential to set up the clear objectives and major purposes of each of your videos that your business will benefit from. So, before you launch the shooting processes, get focused on:

  • The main message of each video – what does it show/explain?
  • Your target audience analysis – who is your ideal buyer persona?
  • Considering the call to action – what should a client do after watching your video?
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These key options will help you to realize the core business objectives and successfully implement nearly any idea into the video content within a budget.

Think Long Term

Another essential step before diving into corporate video production is to evaluate its relevancy over time. Remember, the strategies you are employing today can become ineffective next year, so you always should keep in mind the longevity of your corporate videos.

Otherwise, the materials created will be simply useless for your video marketing strategy. This means you’re at risk of investing the time, resources, and money into content that is out of your audience’s interests.

Allocate the Budget for Video Production

Once you’ve planned the video concept and analyzed its relevance, it’s time to clearly define the project’s budget. Overall, the factors that impact the overall costs of video creation are:

  • Casting
  • Shooting Gear
  • Staff Involved
  • Music/Graphics Licenses
  • Logistics

Of course, it’s more than possible to organize production by only shooting video with an iPhone or renting the entry-level video gear for your talented staff who are willing to expand their contributable skills. Setting up a clear budget will help you to analyze all the resources available, as well as ensure your video production will fit the budget created. 

Find the Right Staff and Purchase the Basic Video Gear

All the preparations are finally done, which means you can start getting ready for the shooting stage. The corporate videos can be easily made with a vlogging camera only, but if you’re planning to shoot a series of videos – investing in the basic video gear will surely be worth it.

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The list of video making equipment usually includes:

  • Video camera. Try to find the best option for the money you have: investing in an expensive camera, the full potential of which you won’t use is a common mistake beginners make.
  • Microphone. Do not try to save money on the microphone! Even the best picture loses its engagement with the poor sounding.
  • Tripod. An irreplaceable helper of any shoot
  • Lighting. Helps to improve the quality of videos and enables better nighttime shooting.
  • Laptop. An essential tool for the final production stage – the video editing.

Invest In the Professional Video Editing Software

If you’re planning to make a large video or need to work with gigabytes of raw material during the editing stage, you definitely want to use time-effective, stable video editing software.

Instead of googling a common query, “why does iMovie keep crashing” every time you start the editing process, it’s better to save your time (and nerves) on getting the top-notch video editing software.

The key features of the professional video editor are:

  • User-friendly interface and easy navigation
  • Cross-platform availability
  • A complex of advanced settings and parameters
  • A large set of filters, titles, and transitions

As soon as you start practicing, you’ll surely find some more essential features needed for creating outstanding corporate videos.

Make Use of the Resources Available

One of the most valuable pieces of advice for the cost-effective video-making process is to ALWAYS search for ways of reducing the budget without losing on the product quality. So, if you’re afraid of running out of the budget with corporate video making, just look around: it’s more than likely you can save some costs by:

  • Inviting your employees to contribute
  • Involve the low-rated freelancers that create professional-look videos
  • Using the locations/buildings you have access to
  • Engaging your PR department to promote video content
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In fact, there are lots of different methods that can help to lower the budget for creating a corporate video. The only things you’ll need are creativity, open-mindedness, and a few of your communication skills.

Make Your Videos Short & Focused

Last but not less effective – consider making a shorter video that fits your budget and fully corresponds to your business needs. Shorter does not necessarily mean cheaper but instead can be a powerful way to engage your audience and make your videos more watchable.

Focus on telling the story well instead of saying too much: no one will spend time watching a 1-hour video about a topic that can be explained in 5 minutes.

Wrapping Up

Now that you know: creating high-quality video content does not necessarily require hiring professional video production services. With these tips used, you can easily create a corporate video that works even with a limited budget.

Still uncertain if it’s possible? Try these methods in practice and check their efficiency yourself.