How to Make One Page Landscape in Word: Office Tricks

Microsoft word is the best choice to maintain a document. Most people use a portrait page for a document but sometimes you need a wide document. That’s why you need to know how to make one page landscape in Word. Some charts are so big that you can’t edit that on the portrait page. The landscape page gives you more space on both sides of the page. Microsoft word has a portrait mode by default. It’s also available for android. All the office is the same in that case (office 2010, office 2013, office 2016, office 2019)

Landscape mode is more necessary when you are drawing something or creating a chart. Drawing and chart are basically wider than the normal screen that’s why you have to go for landscape mode. You can still do that in portrait mode but the size of it will be smaller and that may look bad.

If you are using a Microsoft office and want to landscape a page in word then follow these steps. This method will work in office 2010, office 2013, office 2016, office 2019. 

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  • Open a word document.
  • Go to the page layout tab from the top menu.
  • Click on the little arrow of page setup.
microsoft word landscape mode 2 shoukhintech
microsoft word landscape mode 1 shoukhintech

In that way, you will know how to make one page landscape in word. Create or edit any documents to landscape mode. Portrait mode is useful but not always. You can go back to portrait mode in the same way.  Select the portrait mode from the orientation. 

What is Landscape?

Landscape mode is an Horizonte page that allows you to write. read and edit a document in the more wide page. Portrait mode gives you more space at the bottom of the page because it’s a verticle page. The landscape page also allows watermarks that you may use before in portrait pages.

Which Mode is Batter?

It depends on the type of document. If you are using a document that is more on wide but doesn’t need that much then you can use landscape mode. Portrait mode is for general document maintenance. The main reason for using the landscape page in the word is drawing and chart. You can use Microsoft Excel for a chart if possible. Excel gives you much space for the chart in the side that word can’t.

Video Tutorial

Watch the video to know about how to make one page landscape in word.