How to Block Youtube App on Wifi Router?

The internet has brought a revolution in the way we consume content, and Youtube is one of the most popular platforms for entertainment and education.

However, with great power comes great responsibility, and as parents or guardians, it’s our duty to ensure that children are exposed to age-appropriate content.

Fortunately, there are ways to block Youtube on your wifi router and prevent access to inappropriate videos. In this article, we’ll explore how you can easily block the Youtube app on your wifi router and keep your family safe while browsing the internet.

When it comes to internet usage, Youtube is one of the most popular platforms out there. However, as a parent or an employer, you may want to block access to this app on your wifi router for various reasons.

One of the most common reasons is to protect children from inappropriate content. Youtube has a vast amount of videos, and not all of them are suitable for young audiences. By blocking access to the app on your wifi router, you can ensure that your children only have access to age-appropriate content.

Another reason to block Youtube on your wifi router is to optimize bandwidth usage. Streaming videos can consume a lot of data and slow down your internet speed. By blocking Youtube, you can free up bandwidth for other important tasks such as work-related activities or online classes.

Lastly, blocking Youtube on your wifi router can increase productivity. If you are an employer, you may want to restrict access to certain websites during work hours. Blocking Youtube can prevent employees from wasting time watching videos instead of working.

Now that you understand why blocking Youtube on your wifi router is essential let’s discuss how you can do it. There are three options: using OpenDNS Family Shield, using Router’s Built-in Parental Controls, or using third-party applications such as Net Nanny or Qustodio.

If you choose Option 1: Use OpenDNS Family Shield, follow these steps:

  1. Sign Up for OpenDNS Family Shield
  2. Configure Your Router to Use OpenDNS Family Shield
  3. Test and Verify That OpenDNS Family Shield is Working

If you prefer Option 2: Use Router’s Built-in Parental Controls, follow these steps:

  1. Access Your Router’s User Interface
  2. Navigate to the Parental Controls Section
  3. Add Youtube to the Blocked Websites List

Finally, if you opt for Option 3: Use Third-party Applications such as Net Nanny or Qustodio, follow these steps:

  1. Choose and Install a Third-Party Application
  2. Set Up the Application According to Your Preferences

Blocking Youtube on your wifi router is an effective way to protect your children, optimize bandwidth usage, and increase productivity. Choose the option that best suits your needs and follow the steps provided to successfully block access to this app.

Reasons to Block Youtube App on Wifi Router

Blocking the Youtube app on your wifi router can be a wise decision for several reasons. First and foremost, it can protect your children from accessing inappropriate content that may not be suitable for their age. With millions of videos available on Youtube, some of them may contain explicit language, violence, or sexual content that you don’t want your kids to see.

Another reason to block Youtube is to optimize bandwidth usage. Watching videos on Youtube can consume a lot of data, especially if you’re streaming in HD or 4K quality. By blocking the app, you can prevent your family members or employees from wasting precious internet resources on non-work-related activities.

Lastly, blocking Youtube can increase productivity. It’s no secret that many people spend hours watching random videos on the platform instead of focusing on their work or studies. By removing this distraction from the equation, you can help yourself or others stay focused and get things done more efficiently.

Fortunately, there are several ways to block Youtube on your wifi router. You can use OpenDNS Family Shield, a free service that filters out adult content and other inappropriate websites automatically. To set it up, all you need to do is sign up for an account and configure your router to use OpenDNS servers.

Alternatively, you can use your router’s built-in parental controls feature to block access to specific websites such as Youtube. This option may vary depending on the brand and model of your device but usually involves logging into its user interface and navigating to the parental controls section.

Finally, you can also use third-party applications such as Net Nanny or Qustodio to block Youtube and other websites based on custom rules and preferences. These programs often come with additional features such as time management tools and activity reports that allow you to monitor internet usage more closely.

In conclusion, blocking Youtube app on wifi router is an effective way to protect children from inappropriate content, optimize bandwidth usage and increase productivity. Depending on your needs and preferences, you can choose from several options such as OpenDNS Family Shield, router’s built-in parental controls or third-party applications like Net Nanny or Qustodio.

Protect your Children from Inappropriate Content

When it comes to protecting your children from inappropriate content on the internet, blocking the YouTube app on your wifi router is a great step in the right direction. With millions of videos uploaded every day, it’s impossible to monitor all of them for age-appropriate content. However, by blocking access to the YouTube app at the router level, you can ensure that your children are not exposed to any harmful or explicit material.

Children are naturally curious and may stumble upon inappropriate content accidentally while browsing YouTube. By blocking access to the app, you can prevent this from happening altogether. It’s important to note that some videos may still slip through the cracks even with parental controls enabled. Therefore, it’s crucial for parents to have open communication with their children about internet safety and appropriate online behavior.

Aside from protecting children from inappropriate content, blocking the YouTube app on your wifi router can also help optimize bandwidth usage. Streaming videos consume a lot of data and can slow down your internet speed significantly. By limiting access to YouTube, you can free up bandwidth for other activities such as working from home or video conferencing.

Finally, blocking access to the YouTube app can also help increase productivity. For those who work from home or have children who are remote learning due to COVID-19 restrictions, constant distractions can hinder productivity levels. By limiting access to non-work related websites such as YouTube during working hours, individuals can stay focused and complete tasks efficiently.

Overall, blocking the YouTube app on your wifi router is an effective way to protect children from inappropriate content while optimizing bandwidth usage and increasing productivity levels. There are several options available for doing so including using OpenDNS Family Shield or third-party applications such as Net Nanny or Qustodio.

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Optimize Bandwidth Usage

Optimizing bandwidth usage is a crucial aspect of managing a network, especially when it comes to streaming platforms like Youtube. With millions of users accessing Youtube daily, it can consume a significant amount of bandwidth, leading to slower internet speeds and higher data consumption. By blocking the Youtube app on your wifi router, you can optimize your bandwidth usage and ensure that your internet speed remains fast and stable.

One way to optimize bandwidth usage is by using Quality of Service (QoS) settings on your router. QoS allows you to prioritize certain types of traffic over others, ensuring that important applications like video conferencing or online gaming get the necessary bandwidth they need while limiting the amount available for other applications like Youtube.

Another way to optimize bandwidth usage is by blocking access to specific websites or applications like Youtube. This not only ensures that your internet speed remains fast but also helps prevent distractions in the workplace or at home. Blocking access to Youtube can also be beneficial for parents who want to protect their children from inappropriate content.

Overall, optimizing bandwidth usage through measures like blocking access to Youtube can help ensure that your internet connection remains fast and reliable while also promoting productivity and responsible internet use.

Increase Productivity

One of the reasons to block the YouTube app on your WiFi router is to increase productivity. This can be particularly useful in workplaces, schools, or other environments where access to YouTube could distract individuals from their work or studies.

By blocking the YouTube app on the WiFi router, you can ensure that employees or students are not spending valuable time watching videos instead of completing their tasks. This can lead to increased efficiency and better performance.

Blocking YouTube on the router can also help reduce bandwidth usage, which can improve internet speed for other important tasks. By limiting access to streaming services like YouTube, you can prioritize bandwidth for essential activities such as online meetings or file transfers.

There are several options available for blocking the YouTube app on a WiFi router. These include using OpenDNS Family Shield, accessing your router’s built-in parental controls, or installing third-party applications such as Net Nanny or Qustodio. Each option has its own set of steps and requirements, so it’s important to choose one that works best for your specific situation.

Overall, blocking the YouTube app on your WiFi router can help increase productivity and optimize bandwidth usage. It’s a simple but effective way to ensure that individuals are staying focused on their work or studies without distractions from online videos.

How to Block Youtube App on Wifi Router

Blocking the Youtube app on your wifi router can be a useful way to protect your children from inappropriate content, optimize bandwidth usage, and increase productivity. There are several options available to block the Youtube app on your wifi router.

One option is to use OpenDNS Family Shield. This is a free service that blocks access to inappropriate websites. To use OpenDNS Family Shield, you will need to sign up for an account and configure your router to use the service. Once you have done this, you can test and verify that OpenDNS Family Shield is working by trying to access blocked websites.

Another option is to use your router’s built-in parental controls. Most routers have a parental controls section where you can add websites to a blocked list. To block the Youtube app, simply add or the specific URL of the Youtube app to the blocked list. You can then test and verify that the app has been successfully blocked.

Finally, you can also use third-party applications such as Net Nanny or Qustodio. These applications offer more advanced features than OpenDNS Family Shield or built-in parental controls. To use these applications, you will need to choose and install one on your device, then set it up according to your preferences.

In conclusion, blocking the Youtube app on your wifi router can be an effective way of protecting your children from inappropriate content, optimizing bandwidth usage, and increasing productivity. There are several options available for blocking the app including using OpenDNS Family Shield or built-in parental controls on your router or installing a third-party application like Net Nanny or Qustodio.

Option 1: Use OpenDNS Family Shield

OpenDNS Family Shield is a free, cloud-based service that allows you to block access to inappropriate content on your network. It is an excellent option for blocking the Youtube app on your wifi router.

To use OpenDNS Family Shield, you need to sign up for a free account and configure your router to use their DNS servers. Once done, OpenDNS will filter out any requests made to websites that contain inappropriate content or fall under the blocked categories.

The process of setting up OpenDNS Family Shield is straightforward and can be completed in three simple steps:

Step 1: Sign Up for OpenDNS Family Shield

To sign up for OpenDNS Family Shield, visit their website and create a free account. You will be prompted to enter some basic information like your email address and create a password. Once done, you will receive an email with instructions on how to activate your account.

Step 2: Configure Your Router to Use OpenDNS Family Shield

After activating your account, you need to configure your router’s DNS settings to use OpenDNS Family Shield. This process varies depending on the router model but generally involves logging into your router’s user interface and changing the DNS server addresses.

You can find detailed instructions on how to do this by visiting the OpenDNS support page or contacting their customer support team.

Step 3: Test and Verify That OpenDNS Family Shield is Working

Once you have configured your router, you should test whether it is working correctly. To do this, try accessing some of the blocked websites or content categories from a device connected to your network.

If everything has been set up correctly, you should not be able to access any of the blocked content.

In conclusion, using OpenDNS Family Shield is an effective way of blocking access to inappropriate content on your wifi network. It requires minimal setup and can provide peace of mind knowing that children are protected from harmful content while optimizing bandwidth usage and increasing productivity.

Step 1: Sign Up for OpenDNS Family Shield

OpenDNS Family Shield is a free and easy-to-use service that allows you to block access to inappropriate content on your home network. To get started, you need to sign up for an account on the OpenDNS website. Once you have signed up, you will be given two DNS server addresses that you can use to configure your router.

The first step in using OpenDNS Family Shield is to create an account on the OpenDNS website. To do this, go to the OpenDNS website and click on the “Sign Up” button in the top right-hand corner of the screen. You will then be asked to enter your email address and choose a password.

Once you have created your account, you will be taken to a page where you can choose which version of OpenDNS you want to use. For blocking YouTube on your router, select “Family Shield”. This version is designed specifically for families and blocks access to adult content.

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After selecting Family Shield, you will be given two DNS server addresses that you need to configure on your router. These addresses are:


To configure these addresses on your router, log in to your router’s user interface and navigate to the DNS settings section. Here, enter the two DNS server addresses provided by OpenDNS.

Once you have configured your router with the OpenDNS servers, test and verify that it is working properly by visiting a blocked website like or any other inappropriate content site.

In summary, signing up for OpenDNS Family Shield is a simple process that can help protect your children from accessing inappropriate content online while optimizing bandwidth usage at home network level as well as increasing productivity by avoiding distractions from non-work related websites such as Youtube during work hours or study time periods at home.

Step 2: Configure Your Router to Use OpenDNS Family Shield

To configure your router to use OpenDNS Family Shield, follow these simple steps:

  1. Log in to your router’s user interface: Open a web browser and type your router’s IP address in the URL field. You can find the IP address of your router in the user manual or by searching for it online. Once you enter the IP address, you will be prompted to enter your username and password.
  2. Navigate to the DNS settings: Once you have logged in, look for the DNS settings in the router’s dashboard. The location of this setting may vary depending on your router model and brand.
  3. Change the DNS server addresses: In this step, you will need to change the DNS server addresses to those provided by OpenDNS Family Shield. The two addresses are and
  4. Save changes and test: After changing the DNS server addresses, save your changes and restart your router if necessary. To verify that OpenDNS Family Shield is working correctly, try accessing YouTube from a device connected to your Wi-Fi network.

Using OpenDNS Family Shield is a great way to block YouTube on all devices connected to your Wi-Fi network without having to install any additional software on each device individually. It is also an effective way to protect children from inappropriate content while optimizing bandwidth usage at home or in an office setting.

Remember that while blocking YouTube may be necessary in some situations, it is important to communicate with children or employees about why it is being done and provide alternative activities that are safe and productive for them to engage in instead of watching videos on YouTube all day long!

Step 3: Test and Verify That OpenDNS Family Shield is Working

After configuring your router to use OpenDNS Family Shield, you need to test and verify that it is working correctly. This step ensures that the changes made are effective and provide the desired results.

To test and verify that OpenDNS Family Shield is working, you can try accessing YouTube from a device connected to your network. If the website is blocked, then it means that the configuration was successful. However, if YouTube can still be accessed, then you may need to repeat the configuration process or try another blocking method.

Another way to verify if OpenDNS Family Shield is working correctly is by visiting the OpenDNS Welcome Page on a device connected to your network. The page should indicate that you are using OpenDNS and show your network’s IP address. If this information does not appear, then it means that there might be an issue with your router’s configuration.

It is also essential to note that OpenDNS Family Shield may take some time before it starts blocking websites effectively. Therefore, it would be best to wait for a few minutes after configuring your router before testing its effectiveness.

In conclusion, testing and verifying that OpenDNS Family Shield is working correctly is crucial in ensuring that inappropriate content on YouTube and other websites are blocked on devices connected to your network. By following the steps outlined above, you can ensure that your children are safe from harmful content while optimizing bandwidth usage and increasing productivity.

Option 2: Use Router’s Built-in Parental Controls

Accessing your router’s built-in parental controls is another option for blocking the YouTube app on your WiFi network. This method allows you to control access to specific websites or content categories, including video-sharing platforms like YouTube.

To begin, you’ll need to access your router’s user interface. This can typically be done by entering the router’s IP address into a web browser and logging in with your administrator credentials. Once logged in, navigate to the parental controls section.

In the parental controls section, you should see an option to add websites to a blocked list. Simply add “” or “” (for mobile devices) to the list of blocked websites. Some routers may also allow you to block entire categories of content, such as social media or streaming video.

It’s important to note that each router brand and model may have slightly different steps for setting up parental controls. Refer to your router’s user manual or online documentation for specific instructions.

Using your router’s built-in parental controls can be a simple and effective way to block access to the YouTube app on your WiFi network. However, it may not provide as much customization or advanced features as third-party applications like Net Nanny or Qustodio.

Step 1: Access Your Router’s User Interface

Accessing your router’s user interface is the first step to block Youtube app on your wifi router. To access it, you need to know the IP address of your router. This information can usually be found in the manual that came with your router or by doing a quick online search for your router model.

Once you have the IP address, open a web browser and enter it into the address bar. This will take you to your router’s login page where you will need to enter your username and password. If you have never changed these from the default settings, they can also be found in the manual or through an online search.

After logging in, navigate to the parental controls section of your router’s user interface. This is where you will be able to add Youtube to the blocked websites list. The exact location of this section may vary depending on your router model, but it should be relatively easy to find by exploring the options available.

Once you have located the parental controls section, simply add Youtube to the blocked websites list and save your changes. This will prevent anyone connected to your wifi network from accessing Youtube through any device connected to that network.

It is important to note that while this method may work for some routers, not all routers have built-in parental controls or may not allow for website blocking. In this case, using a third-party application such as Net Nanny or Qustodio may be necessary.

Overall, accessing your router’s user interface is a crucial step in blocking Youtube app on wifi routers and can help protect children from inappropriate content, optimize bandwidth usage, and increase productivity.

Step 2: Navigate to the Parental Controls Section

To access the Parental Controls section of your router, you need to first log in to your router’s user interface. The process of logging in may vary depending on the brand and model of your router. However, it usually involves typing the IP address of your router into a web browser and entering your login credentials.

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Once you have logged in, navigate to the Parental Controls section. This section may be located under a different name or category depending on your router’s user interface. Some routers may have this feature under Access Control or Firewall settings.

In the Parental Controls section, you can add Youtube to the blocked websites list. This will prevent any device connected to the router from accessing Youtube. You can also set up schedules for when this restriction should apply, such as during specific hours of the day or days of the week.

It is important to note that while using built-in parental controls can be an easy and effective way to block Youtube on your wifi network, it may not be as comprehensive as using third-party applications such as Net Nanny or Qustodio. These applications offer more advanced features such as monitoring and reporting on internet usage and blocking specific keywords or phrases.

Overall, navigating to the Parental Controls section of your router is a simple process that can help you block Youtube on your wifi network and protect your children from inappropriate content.

Step 3: Add Youtube to the Blocked Websites List

To block the YouTube app on your WiFi router, you can use your router’s built-in parental controls. This is a simple and effective way to prevent access to YouTube from any device connected to your WiFi network.

To get started, you’ll need to access your router’s user interface. This can usually be done by typing the router’s IP address into a web browser. Once you’re logged in, navigate to the parental controls section.

In this section, you should see an option to add websites to a blocked list. Simply add “” or “” (for mobile devices) to this list and save your changes. From now on, any device connected to your WiFi network will be unable to access YouTube.

It’s important to note that some routers may have slightly different interfaces or options for parental controls. If you’re unsure how to access these settings on your particular router, consult the user manual or contact the manufacturer for assistance.

Blocking YouTube on your WiFi network can help protect children from inappropriate content, optimize bandwidth usage, and increase productivity. By using your router’s built-in parental controls, it’s easy and convenient to take control of what content is accessible from devices connected to your home network.

Option 3: Use Third-party Applications such as Net Nanny or Qustodio

Third-party applications such as Net Nanny or Qustodio can also be used to block the Youtube app on a wifi router. These applications are specifically designed for parental control and internet filtering purposes.

To use these applications, you first need to choose and install one that suits your requirements. Once installed, you can set up the application according to your preferences. Both Net Nanny and Qustodio offer a variety of features such as website blocking, time management, and monitoring tools.

Net Nanny is a popular parental control software that allows parents to filter out inappropriate content from their children’s devices. It offers features like web filtering, screen time management, and social media monitoring. The software also includes an internet filter that blocks inappropriate websites based on age-appropriate settings.

Qustodio is another parental control software that enables parents to monitor their children’s online activity across multiple devices. This software provides features such as website blocking, screen time management, location tracking, and social media monitoring. Qustodio also offers real-time alerts and notifications for any suspicious activity.

Using third-party applications like Net Nanny or Qustodio may require a subscription fee; however, they provide advanced filtering options and additional features not available in other methods of blocking Youtube on a wifi router.

Overall, using third-party applications is an effective way to block the Youtube app on a wifi router while providing additional parental controls and internet filtering options for families with young children or those looking to increase productivity by reducing distractions caused by video streaming services.

Step 1: Choose and Install a Third-Party Application

When it comes to blocking the Youtube app on your wifi router, you have several options to choose from. One of these options is using a third-party application such as Net Nanny or Qustodio.

To get started with this option, you will need to choose and install a third-party application that suits your needs. Both Net Nanny and Qustodio are popular choices for parental control and internet filtering software. Net Nanny offers features such as website blocking, screen time management, and social media monitoring. Qustodio offers similar features but also includes location tracking and panic alerts.

Once you have chosen and installed the application of your choice, you will need to set it up according to your preferences. This may involve creating user profiles for each member of your family or setting specific rules for internet usage.

For example, if you want to block access to the Youtube app specifically, you can create a rule that blocks all traffic to the Youtube domain or IP address. You may also be able to set up custom filters that block certain keywords or phrases related to inappropriate content.

Overall, using a third-party application can be an effective way to block access to the Youtube app on your wifi router. However, it is important to note that these applications may come with additional costs and may require ongoing maintenance and updates.

Step 2: Set Up the Application According to Your Preferences

When setting up a third-party application to block the YouTube app on your WiFi router, it is important to configure it according to your preferences. This involves selecting the appropriate settings and options that will best suit your needs.

Firstly, choose and install a third-party application such as Net Nanny or Qustodio. These applications provide a range of features for parental control and content filtering, including blocking specific websites and applications such as YouTube.

Once installed, open the application and navigate to the settings or preferences section. Here, you can customize the settings according to your preferences. This may include setting up user profiles for different family members with unique restrictions or time limits for accessing YouTube.

Additionally, some applications may allow you to monitor activity logs and receive alerts when certain activities occur, such as attempts to access blocked content. Take advantage of these features to ensure that your children are safe while using the internet.

Overall, setting up a third-party application requires careful consideration of your specific needs and preferences. By taking the time to configure it properly, you can effectively block the YouTube app on your WiFi router and provide a safer online environment for your family.


In conclusion, blocking the YouTube app on your WiFi router can be a simple and effective way to protect your children from inappropriate content, optimize bandwidth usage, and increase productivity.

There are several options available to achieve this goal, including using OpenDNS Family Shield, utilizing your router’s built-in parental controls, or installing third-party applications like Net Nanny or Qustodio.